Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A happy accident...

The other day I was attempting to crochet a flat circle without a pattern... Everything was fine until I got to the third or fourth row. I guess I added too many stitches and things started to go all skewampus... My flat circle didn't want to be a flat circle...

My flat circle started to bump up and I didn't have the heart to undo all that work so... My flat circle became my new yarn bag... 

I just kept adding row upon row and it just grew...OUT and not up... So, (you can see on the light blue row) I decreased every fifth double crochet and it finally started growing upwards... into a very fun yarn bag... 

I continued adding row after row, only decreasing one other time almost to the top... It was a good project that just took it's own direction... I love all the colors... As a beginner, I know I will have many projects that turn out like this... 

Now, I carry my little projects with me in this fun bag... I also found a tutorial on Pinterest that will show me how to create the flat circle affect I was attempting on my own. The only problem is the tutorial is in Norwegian! Good thing we have access to Google Translate! I might just figure the flat circle out, eventually...

So, now instead of a bright flat circle mat... I have a very cute yarn bag to tote all my projects around in... I think I like this happy accident...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More blogs of note...

Here are a few more of the blogs I have been frequenting lately... The ideas are so fun and I just thought I would share some of the links here. 

The Crochet Way
With Love Ibizatas Must use google translate for this one...
Teri Crews Designs: Tutorials
Crochet Spot
Polka Dot Cottage
Tipsy Tess Must use google translate for this one too...
The 8th Gem


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

50 Granny Squares Complete!

I need to learn how to take better photographs...
I finished 50, 8 inch Granny Squares.... 

One of these little babies is going to be left out of the 7X7 afghan I have planned, although, I am not sure which one yet...

Now, I need to actually stitch them together!

Five of each multi-color square...

I have several thoughts buzzing around in my head...

Can I do this? 

I have never done this before...

I think I can... 

I have been watching How To videos on You Tube... 

Now if I can just follow directions...

Who knows... 

I hope I didn't just crochet 50 squares to sit in my closet for years on end...

Five of each tri-color square...
I don't think this was a waste of my time... 

If I did, I don't think I would have invested in several skeins of Heather Gray yarn.

The plan is to use this yarn to connect all my squares...

I just need to decide on the style I want to use and then I can begin...

I wonder how long it is going to take to get these connected?

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oh boy... Crochet Blogs...

I am addicted.... I have all these ideas for projects and the one I am working on is turning our super cute and taking too long...(I cannot start a new project until this one is competed...) The culprit of this massive creative surge, you ask?

Pinterest  started the problem and now... I have discovered an amazing assortment of crochet blogs. They are adding to the growing list in my brain of things I must make...or have to try and make...

Here is a list of a few that I have been fequenting during slow moments at work...


Maybe Matilda

Paper, Wool, and Yarn

Hooks and Yarns

Egg Bird Designs

Attic 24

What am I supposed to do with all these ideas? Working two jobs, traveling to Cali, little kids, a husband... I need some more time in the day so I can complete some of these awesome projects...

I guess for now I need to be content with the little bit of creativity I have time for and save up my ideas for the months to come. I have gifts rolling around in my head... I hope they someday come to fruition...

My current project, a bright granny square afghan, is taking shape... I have finished 25 tri-color squared and have 3 of 25 six-color squares completed. I love the bright yellow, pink, green, blue, and purple yarn... Eventually all the brightness will be toned down with some heather gray to bring it all together once I join all those squares... Don't worry, I will keep you posted...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Little Macks Marie...

Alomst a year ago... Kevin and I eloped... Well, we did this on my cousin Rika and her cutie John's wedding day... So, we share a very special day with two very special people... Well, when she and John announced they were having a baby I knew I needed to make them something special...

I began by procrastinating... Then about three weeks ago I began pinning all things crochet on my crochet pinboard on Pinterest. I had some cotton yarn left over from another project and my mother reminded me how to begin a granny square... and well, I began a new addiction and little Macks Marie's baby gift. This project was a labor of love. I have been somewhat consumed with my own issues and working on this project let me focus on someone other than myself. I enjoyed the process and noticed a much happier me... I worked on it whenever I could, during breaks at work, traveling to see Nicholle, Emma, and Micah in California, at home and completed it only hours before the shower. It turned out super cute...and now I have serveral new projects outlines in my head.

Completed Cotton Blanket
Macks Marie Warr - Born 4/30/2012

Although this little project didn't take my problems away, it did help me focus on something positive in my life: family and new life... making the bumps a little more bearable.